
The Retail Crime
Insights Report

When it comes to reducing retail crime at scale, it’s not
enough to know that rates have increased or decreased –
organizations need to know how and why they have changed.

This report makes key industry insights easier to access, understand and perhaps most importantly, act on.

Download this report to unlock:

  • The latest data on retail crime behavior and strategies
  • Industry perspectives on how retail crime is changing
  • Emerging trends identified by Auror
  • Actionable information and key takeaways

Download the report

Dive into the data


Increase in events per store by repeat offenders


Median event value for repeat offenders is 32% higher than non-repeat median event value


of VOIs (vehicles of interest) are connected to repeat offenders

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Because of the retail violence problem in the US, many leading retailers are shifting to a 'human safety' approach. These data and insights point to why visibility and collaboration at scale are key ingredients to the winning formula - it takes a network to defeat a network.

Bobby Haskins,

VP of Retail Partnerships at Auror

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